Food Facts

That you will be surprised to know.

According to scientific research, drinking water from RO purifier increases the chances of getting weakness, fatigue, cramps, headache, and cardiovascular diseases.

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Eating walnuts everyday helps in reducing the risk of breast cancer

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If you have acidity problem or sour belching, then you should consume spinach.

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By applying pieces of ripe papaya on the face daily, facial freckles are eliminated from the root.

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Pistachio is actually a fruit not a dry fruit. Its consumption improves diabetes, high blood pressure and digestion. It reduces the risk of heart disease.

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Each pineapple plant produces only one pineapple per year.

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Apple consists of 25 percent air, so apples float in water.

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The pH value of cola is 2.8, if nails are immersed in them for 4 days, it can also dissolve them.

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No matter how nutritious the salad is, but it should never be consumed on an empty stomach? Due to this you can have problems like gas, hot burn.

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